Sunday, 22, December, 2024

The South Korean consortium including Daewoo and Hyundai completed the construction of two HRSGs, 450 MW each, at Talimardjan thermal power plant (TPP) in Kashkadarya region, UzbekEnergo announced.

In March 2013, after winning the tender Daewoo and Hyundai signed a $ 861 million contract with UzbekEnergo for modernization of Talimarjan TPP.

Under the contract, the consortium has erected two 450 MW HRSGs on "turnkey" basis. The HRSGs are manufactured by Mitsubishi Corporation (Japan).

The $ 1.28 billion project was financed through the loans of ADB worth $ 350 million, Japan International Development Cooperation Agency (JICA) - $ 300 million, the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan -$ 250 million, and UzbekEnergo’s own funds.

In December 2004, UzbekEnergo put into operation the first unit at Talimarjan TPP with 800 MW design capacity. After commissioning of two new HRSGs, the generation of electricity will increase by 2.3 times, to 10.4 billion kWh.

Currently, the FS is being developed for the construction by 2022 of another two similar HRSGs , which will increase electricity generation to 20.4 billion KWh per year.

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