Sunday, 22, December, 2024

Four refrigeration specialists from Uzbekistan representing private sector and academia participated in the international training for trainers on “Safe handling of Propane (R290) as ozone depleting substances-free refrigerant” held in Springe, Germany.

The five-day training was organized jointly with the Regional Project “HCFC Phase out in Countries with Economies in Transition” implemented by UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub, including Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Belarus and Ukraine implemented by UNDP and Training Organization Heat GmbH, Germany.

Trough participation in theoretical and practical exercises representatives of Uzbekistan improved their knowledge on installation/maintenance of equipment running on propane and received the highest scores among other countries during the assessment of obtained knowledge.

Mr.  Dishod Azizov, training participant, Lecturer, Head of “Refrigeration and Cryogen Technics” Department of Tashkent State Technical University said:

“The training was very interesting and useful. The knowledge and expediency that we have earned in the course of the training will be applied while conducting the local trainings within the new Training Center for refrigeration technicians and students, established under Tashkent State Technical University with support of the joint project of UNDP and the State Committee for Nature Projection of the Republic of Uzbekistan.”

UNDP will continue support local specialists on gaining international experience. Next ToT “Safe handling of Ammonia and CO2 as ODS-free refrigerant” will also be organized in Germany.

Since 2013, UNDP in partnership with the State Nature Protection Committee is working on building up the capacities of public and private sectors to gradually reduce their dependence on imports of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). Uzbekistan has joined to the Vienna Convention for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and its Amendments in 1993.

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