Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

Uzbekistan was ranked 98th out of 116 countries in English language proficiency, ahead of Kazakhstan (103) and Tajikistan (109), but lags behind Afghanistan (95) and Kyrgyzstan (88), according to the English Proficiency Index 2024 prepared by Sweden-based international education company Education First.

Uzbekistan scored 439 and was listed in the "Very Low Proficiency" band this year, being listed in the same band last year on 442 score.

The index places the surveyed countries and territories into five proficiency bands, from very high to very low.

The Netherlands topped the index globally with a very high English proficiency, followed by Norway, Singapore, Sweden and Croatia. 

Among the post-Soviet countries, no one made it to the very high English proficiency; Estonia (20th place) and Lithuania (23rd) was in the high level. While, Georgia (34), Belarus (35), Armenia (38), Moldova (39), Ukraine (40) and Russia (44) had average English skills.

The score is based on test data of a survey of over two million adults globally who participated in the EF Standard English Test (EF SET) or English placement tests in 2023.

The report stated, English skills can be a driver for inclusion for adults, enabling participation in professional development and leveling the playing field for those who come from different circumstances and backgrounds. It allows for international talent management and progression at an advanced level.


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