Monday, 10, March, 2025

The Decree of the Uzbek Health Minister dated November 7 has approved the Regulation on the procedure for manufacture and display of signs that ban drinking of alcohol and smoking and informing about area and (or) premises designated for smoking. The document will come into force from the beginning of March 2017.

The Regulation establishes that manufacture and display of signs shall be performed by head of enterprise, company or organization, an employer or legal and natural persons using the building or facilities.

Signs containing text that ban drinking of alcohol should be displayed in a visible place at workplaces, streets, stadiums, squares, parks and other public spaces, as well as points of trade and public catering, where the sale of alcoholic beverages in bottles is not allowed (except premises for holding weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations and ceremonies, as well as points of trade and public catering, where the sale of alcoholic beverages is allowed on tap).

Similar sign without text is provided for all types of public transport (except for civil aircraft).

The sign that ban smoking should be displayed in a visible place at workplaces, health care institutions, education, sports and recreation facilities, in fire-hazardous areas and other public spaces (except for places designated for smoking).

In trains, riverboats, buses taxis and urban electric transport the sign shall be displayed without text.

For special places or premises there is another sign for smoking.

Persons who violate the law shall bear liability under applicable law.

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