Monday, 10, March, 2025

In 2017, the Uzbek Health Ministry will, within Health-3 project, implement at some district hospitals the system of funding based on the actual number of provided services, Uzbekistan Today said.

Currently, public hospitals in Uzbekistan are funded based on the number of beds. Lately, however, more and more countries are shifting to funding based on the actual number of provided services. This allows to efficiently use the funds allocated to hospitals and improve the quality of treatment, as the funds are allocated for the actual needed services.

This is provided for by the President’s Decree "On measures on realization of the project "Improvement of the health care system ("Health-3")" co-financed with the International Development  Association of the World Bank. Currently, the system is beng implemented as an experiment at central hospitals of Beshariq, Oltiariq and Qo'shtepa districts.

At the same time, special courses will be organized together with the Institute of Health and Medical Statistics to help doctors learn the new work methods.

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