Monday, 10, March, 2025

At the Dec. 14 joint session of Oliy Majlis the senators considered the issue of approval of candidates for the position of Prime Minister of Uzbekistan.

The President Shavkat Mirziyoyev presented to the parliament Abdulla Nigmatovich Aripov’s candidacy who is currently serving as the Deputy Prime Minister.

Abdulla Aripov presented the program of action of his Cabinet for the short and long term.

A few deputies and senators spoke in approval of the Minister Aripov’s candidacy presented by the Head of State.

Then, the Senate and the Legislative Chamber adopted a resolution approving Abdulla Aripov for Prime Minister of Uzbekistan.

Abdulla Aripov (55 years old) served as the Deputy Prime Minister for more than 10 years - from May 2002 to August of 2012. At the same time in 2005-2009 he oversaw the Uzbek Agency for Communication and Information.

In September this year, Abdullah Aripov was re-appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister and Head of Complex on the issues of youth policy, culture, information systems and telecommunications.

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