Sunday, 22, December, 2024

In January-December 2016, measures were taken aimed at implementation of investment projects included in the 2016 Investment Program, approved by the Presidential Decree PP-2458 of December 25, 2015.

According to the Ministry of Economy, as a result of an active investment policy in 2016, 164 projects with a total value of $ 5.2 billion have been completed and 5,329 new jobs have been created, of which 9 projects  - in the oil and gas industry, 20 - in the non-ferrous metallurgy, 5 - in the power generation, 3 - in the machine building industry, 16 - in electrical engineering, 17 - in light industry and 94 projects in other areas.

These include : "Expansion of Talimarjan TPP with the construction of two 450 MW capacity combined cycle power plants," "Construction of high-ash coal fired 130-150 MW power unit at Angren TPP," "Further development of Sharqiy Berdakh and Shimoliy Berdakh fields with the construction of the BCS","Expansion of a cement plant in Jizzakh province", "Construction of a new melting furnace at the smelter plant", "Involvement into processing of non-commercial stocker ore of Kalmakir field","Launch of serial production of T-250 model cars at GM Uzbekistan", "Construction of Angren to Pap electrified railway line", "Purchase of two Boeing-787 Dreamliners", "Organization of spinning production at Indorama Kokand textile (phase IV)"and "Organization of spinning production at Fantex in Bulokboshi district of Andijan province", "Construction of Meylisay mine" and "Organization of production of disposable sterile syringes  at JV« GULISTON MED TEXNIKA» in Syrdarya province", “Organization of the production of polyethylene films and pipes at Jizzakh Plastmassa”, “Organization of production of thermal insulating products made of glass fibre and a range of wiring and electrical products at Jizzakh FEZ" and others.

In order to improve the efficiency of monitoring over the implementation of strategic investment projects, timely decision-making aimed at successful implementation of investment projects, the Ministry of Economy in cooperation with Ministry of Informatization have developed and implemented an automated information system  -"Monitoring".

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