Friday, 14, March, 2025

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Mindonobod Agrosanoat agro firm in Ferghana province, familiarized himself with the ongoing agriculture projects in the province.

The agro firm specializes in viticulture, with industrial varieties grown on 720 hectares. The firm has the capacity to grow 5 thousand tons of products a year, and for primary processing of 3 thousand tons of grapes, production of 650 thousand pieces of briquettes. To this end, 89 people are employed on permanent basis, and over 300 people - to seasonal work, with drip irrigation technology used.

The firm plans through expanding the existing vineyards to a thousand hectares to cultivate 15,000 tons of grapes per year, export products worth 1 million US dollars, and will plant 450,000 vineyard seedlings on a Chinese irrigation system powered by solar energy.

With the completion of this project, 250 people will be provided with jobs.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev said Ferghana province is renowned with its enterprising people who know a lot about entrepreneurship. However, not always our locals got income proportional to the invested labor. It is necessary to put an end to such injustice.

Here was presented information on the projects planned for implementation by UzVinoSanoat-Holding for 2017-2018 in the Ferghana province. The company plans to implement jointly with banks six projects worth 63 billion 256 million soums, creating about 200 jobs. As a result, large capacities for growing, storing, processing of agricultural products will be created in the province on idle areas, and the volume of exports will increase.

Big Agro Logistic LLC in Kuva district is launching a modern logistics center, designed for processing, drying, packing and export of fruits and vegetables.

The total project cost is $ 7.2 million, in the first year it is planned to export products worth 6.5 million dollars, after five years - $ 10 million. The logistics center will have technological lines from Italy and Turkey, a storage facility with a capacity of 5,000 tons of products and processing capacity of 7,000 tons of fruits and vegetables to be created.  The launch of the project will create 180 jobs.

Elit Konserva LLC in Kokand, fruit and vegetable packing projects are being carried out, in Eco Export Trade LLC in Altyaryk District - sorting, drying and storage of agricultural products. These projects are of particular importance in further strengthening the province's export potential, creating new jobs and increasing the incomes of households.

This year, on 50 hectares, new pomegranate plantations have been planted in Fargona Anorzori LLC in Kuva district. with more than 700 tons of harvest planned to be harvested. In the aisles of pomegranate plantations, tomatoes, cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper and other vegetables, legumes have been planted.

Agrofirm is planning to expand pomegranate plantations to 2 thousand hectares, to increase the yield to reach 30 thousand tons.

The President noted that Kuva and Dashnabad pomegrenades are in demand far beyond our country, both varieties have their own healing properties. It was emphasized that grenades are a non-waste product, their peel is used in the chemical industry for coloring, in pharmaceuticals as raw materials. 

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