Saturday, 15, March, 2025

The new agricultural and car tires factory hosted by Angren FEZ produced its first experimental batch of car tires, UzKimyoSanoat said in a statement.

According to the company, the factory is undergoing the final construction stage, with adjusting and commissioning works to be completed in November 2017.

The construction of $ 183.96 million factory commenced in August 2015, with a design capacity of 100 thous m. of conveyor belts, 200 thous. agricultural and 3 million car tires.

The contract for turnkey construction of the factory was signed between Directorate for Construction of Rubber Products Plant and Poly Technologies Inc. (China) in August 2014.

The company shares are owned by JSC UzKimyoSanoat (50%), UzAvtoSanoat (30%), Almalyk (10%) and Navoi MMC (10%).


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