Thursday, 13, March, 2025

Special exhibition and business forum for ecofriendly technologies, Green Ecology Technologies Central Asia - GETCA-2018 will kick off on June 5 for the first time in Uzbekistan within the framework of the Central Asian International Environmental Forum, co-organized by the OSCE Project Coordinator and Kongress-service, the Uzbek environment protection committee said.

The business forum will provide a “platform for exchanging experience in protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable development of the region, attracting attention and technical assistance of the international community to solving the most urgent problems in the countries of Central Asia, attracting investments and clean technologies to the development of the national economies”.

The main sections of the exhibition will be:

  • special equipment for collecting and transporting solid domestic waste;
  • technology for sorting, processing and recycling of waste;
  • clean technologies;
  • small renewable energy technologies for agriculture and housing sectors;
  • large renewable energy technologies for power and heat generation;
  • energy efficiency in the residential sector;
  • energy efficiency in industry.

More than 40 green technology producers and developers from Armenia, Hungary, Germany, Italy, China, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Uzbekistan, France, the Czech Republic, Latvia and Switzerland are expected to attend the events.

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