Friday, 14, March, 2025

The production of Changan small trucks, a Chinese brand, will be launched at Namangan free economic zone, the Namangan province governor’s office said.

The US$ 5.8 million project is part of the Compatriots Abroad project. US$ 800 thousand is being ivested by Namangani businessman Zhobirkhon Khamidov, who has been living in the UAE for the last 10 years, as well as 2 million dollars of foreign investment and a bank loan of US$ 3 million.

At the first stage, Namangan Changan Motors will produce 1,800 mini-trucks with a carrying capacity of 1-1.5 tons per year and will employ 120 people. The first trucks are expected to be assembled in Q1 of 2021. In the next three years, it is planned to bring localization degree to 50%, and export a third of the products to the UAE and the countries of Central Asia.

Zhobirkhon Khamidov believes that Uzbekistan is in need of 20 thousand such cars a year. Taking into account the near and foreign markets, it will be possible to assess the possibilities for further expansion of production.

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