Friday, 14, March, 2025

UzbekEnergo has started construction of the 220 kV high-voltage transmission line (HVTL) Takhiatash TPP - Khorezm substation-Sarymai (Khorezm region) in north-west of Uzbekistan. 

An international call for bids has been announced for purchase of first batch of process equipment. Bids will be accepted until January 11, 2017. The tender results will be made known in Q1 of 2017, the company website said.

A 364 km transmission line, which will connect Takhiatash power plant with Khorezm and Elikqal’a substations will increase the electricity flow from the Northwestern power unit to regions in need of electricity - Samarkand, Bukhara and Surkhandarya in the south. Project will be financed by a loan from the Asian Development Bank in the amount of 150 million US dollars and Uzbekistan’s own funds.

The project will be implemented in parallel to modernization of Takhiatash TPP, which involves the construction of two Combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT), 230-280 MW, each with the decommissioning of old units. In December 2015, a call for bids was announced to select general contractor for the construction of two CCGTs. The project will be completed in the end of 2020.

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