Thursday, 13, February, 2025

Uzbekistan may introduce a norm obliging government officials to complete and submit declaration of income, an expert of the Prosecutor General's Office said.

At the moment the relevant ministries and bodies are developing a two-year anti-corruption program until 2018. A document including a set of measures to counter this crime will be ready in the end of March. In particular, one of the provisions set forth is the requirement for public officials to complete and submit income declaration, including the members of their families.

"Income Declaration is not a legal document, but an economic one. So now the experts are reviewing whether to introduce this norm, and as soon as we finish the discussion and summarize all the proposals, we can say whether it will be mandatory or not", - the expert explained.

In general, he noted that a new approach will be developed to counter corruption as part of the government anti-corruption program, using the best practices, including foreign experience.

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